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Call Log Monitor [Android App]

Call Log Monitor

Call-Log-Monitor-2 Call-Log-Monitor-1

Call Log Management has never been so easy!
With Call Log Monitor you can keep clean the call history from unwanted calls so you don’t have to manually delete call log entries any more. Creating fake call entries or fake text messages is easy and works on all Android devices.
The complex statistics and the group, sort and search options turn this app into a reliable cost control tool.
A great App to efficiently manage your call log.
Call Log Monitor key features:
- filter calls and auto deletes Call History based on specific rules (match contact, group or phone number)
- filter text messages and auto deletes them from your folders and your message log after read or on receiving
- is the only app that displays and deletes message logs on Samsung devices
- creates fake call log entries from saved contact or phone number
- creates fake text messages to your inbox or sentbox
- groups the call log entries by contact, date, or type (incoming, outgoing) – this function lacks on Samsung devices
- display statistics for a contact or for all call history

Detailed list of features:
Auto delete text messages and call history entries
- delete call log immediately after call ended
- delete text message log on Samsung devices
- automatically delete outgoing text messages (SMS)
- Automatically delete incoming messages (SMS) on receiving or after specified interval
- add contacts, groups or unsaved phone numbers to your message / call deletion rule
Fake Call from anyone to your call log
- create fake calls into your history
- the only app that correctly displays contact name in your fake call on all devices, including HTCs
- use any contact, number, date, duration
- select incoming, outgoing or missed for the type of fake call inserted into your call log
Fake SMS from anyone to your phone
- create fake text messages
- the only app that correctly inserts message log on Samsung devices
- use any contact, number, date
Custom view, group, sort and search Call History
- very usefull on Samsung devices, groups the call log entries by contact, date, or type (incoming, outgoing)
- collapsible groups by contact helps you easily identify and delete calls from specific contact or phone number
- sortable call log by date, contact, type or duration
- quick searchable call history by contact or phone number
- two steps deleting (“select one by one” or “select all” plus “delete button”) saves time for you
Delete all logs for specific contact
- quickly delete all logs from a contact
- very useful feature that lacks on Samsung devices
- either long press a contact / phone number or use the grouping by contact option and then delete the group

Other features:
- display statistics based on the entire call log or contact’s call history
- export call log to CSV/XML file
- dark/light themes supported
- password protected sensitive settings
- you can hide the app icon (Warning! Using this setting makes the app completely invisible. Dial #9999 to bring it to front again.)

Size : 3.65 M
Current Version : 1.8.0
Requires Android : 2.2 and up

*** Download ***


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